Rule: While writing serial items, they are all written in a parallel voice always.
Correct: Experience with directing all manufacturing operations, which includes training and supervising staff, scheduling production, purchasing materials Cheap New Jerseys , managing inventory, troubleshooting operations, installing new technology, and coordinating all budgeting. (Note that all the verbs that are used start with an "ing" verb.)
Incorrect: Experience with directing all manufacturing operations which includes training and supervising staff, scheduling production Cheap Authentic Jerseys , management of materials, control of inventory, troubleshooting operations, installation of new technology, and budget management. (Note in the list the serial items are present inconsistently with some starting with the "ing" verb and others using noun phrases.)
Rule: Choose a method and stick with it Cheap Jerseys From China , in which you consistently either use or not use a comma before the word "and" in a list of serial items.
Correct: Experience in training all newly hired personnel in the sales, customer-service and customer-support departments of Macy's Stores, Macy's Outlet Malls and Macy's Online Shops.
Correct: Experience in training all newly hired personnel in the sales, customer-service, and customer-supported departments of Macy's Stores Cheap Jerseys China , Macy's Outlets, and Macy's Online Shops.
(Note both of the examples stated above are correct and consistent. In the first example, in each of the two serial item lists in the sentence, a comma is not used before the word "and," whereas in the second example Cheap Jerseys , the comma is used.)
Incorrect: Experience in training all newly hired personnel in the sales, customer-service and customer-supported departments of Macy's Stores, Macy's Outlets, and Macy's Online Shops.
(Note that the sentence above has inconsistencies with the first list of serial items does not use a comma before the word "and" while in the second list of items does. This is not correct because of being inconsistent.)
Exception: It is advised that a comma should be used before the word "and" when the final item in a serial list has the word "and" in the clause.
Example: Experience in coordinating materials movement, planning Cheap Hats China , inventory, and shipping and receiving operations.
Rule: Consistency should be there while using bullet-points and using the same verb or noun tense.
Correct: *Budget Management *Staff Training & Leadership *New Product Introduction *New Market Development *Customer Service *Sales Territory Management
Incorrect: * Budget Management *Trainer & Leader *New Product Introduction *New Market Development *Customer Sale Representative *Managing Sales Territory
(Note the inconsistency in tremendous amount with the use of nouns and verbs in the incorrect example.)
Rule: Choose a format and be consistent in how you present job titles and college degrees.
Correct: Retail Sale Associate (1999 to Present) Inventory Clerk (1995 to 1996) Sales Associate (1996 to 1999)
Incorrect: Retail Sales (1999 to Present) - This is not t title! Inventory Clerk (1995 to 1996) Sales Associate (1996 to 1999) Se poate spune ca muzica este si va fi ?n continuare una din cele mai mari “descoperiri” ale speciei umane . Inca din vechime muzica a fost una din cele mai importante unelte ale omului, acesta folosind aceasta unealta fie ?n scopuri de divertisment sau bisericesti , fie ca un ?nlocuitor al cuvintelor atunci c?nd acestea nu erau de ajuns sau cu rolul de a ?ncuraja luptatorii ce se pregateau de c?mpul de lupta.
?n actualitate ?nsa ne-am deprins at?t de mult cu muzica ?ntruc?t mare parte dintre noi nu ne dam seama de ?nsemnatatea acesteia, sau de proportia pe care a luat-o acest fenomen ?n ultimii o suta de ani . Nu este greu sa constientizam ca secolul trecut muzica era un fenomen mai rar ?nt?lnit dec?t este ?n timpurile noastre . Evolutia tehnologica din ultimul secol an adus ?nsa muzica mai aproape de urechile noastre iar prin videoclipuri aceasta s-a reliefat ca fiind un mod de exprimare.
Desi de obicei muzica si videoclipurile sunt si vor fi o sursa de distractie Cheap Hoddies China , stadiul tehnologic a facut ca muzica sa fie auzita si ?n circumstante oarece bizare. Eu cred ca ?n momentul de fata ne regasim at?t de ?nvaluiti de note muzicale ?ntruc?t de obicei neglijam existenta acestora. Un numar de exemple este atunci c?nd urcam sau cobor?m cu ascensorul , c?nd pornim telefonul c?nd ne aflam ?ntr-un mall c?nd asteptam metroul sau c?nd ne deplasam cu acesta.